Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Product activation
    Installed software that require product activation limits its functionallity when product activation key not inserted.

  2. Free software
    Called free software if we have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve (with additional terms). With chrome we can download it for free, installed it in our environtment with no activation key, as well as distributed the installers to our friend.

  3. Opensource software
    Beside it is free, the source codes of the software is available to be seen, distributed and modified (even we can distribute the modified ones!).

  4. Copyleft software
    When we distribute our modified software, we should never add restriction for next user if the want to modify or modified software.

  5. Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Command Line Interface(CLI)
    Both can be use to giving tasks to machine. GUI has graphic which more user friendly but slower and consume more memory. CLI has no graphic, user needs to remember commands but consume less memory.

  6. Cloud computing
    it’s like we rental a (full) computer where its physical form is far away from the user. Instead of buy huge memory when user doesnt truly know the best amount of memory needed, user can rent smaller one and update it when need more with cloud computing.

  7. Bash
    Bash is an application -a shell that allows human to interact with the computer.

  8. System calls
    Interface between OS and software.

  9. Software IPR
    Intangible rights of ownership, includes patent,copyright, trade secret, and trademark.

  10. software: patent - copyright
    Patent giving more protection than copyright but the way to add it is more complex and expensive than add a copyright to software.