Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. Synchronization: Mutual Exclusion
    No two processes can exist in the critical section at any given point of time. (ps: the example would help us understand better)

  2. Memosy Model - Memory Barriers
    What, for example, happens when two processors examine the same memory location at the same time?

  3. Linux Thread Synchronization: Mutex lock
    More tutorial!

  4. PiP
    All about Priority Inheritance Protocol.

  5. Deadlock: Resource Preemption
    Remove the deadlock!

  6. Banker’s Algorithm
    Anoter Tutorial (from stratch!)

  7. Java: Reentrant Locks
    ReentrantLock allow threads to enter into lock on a resource more than once

  8. Python: OpenCV
    Huge open-source Library for computer vision programming! Take a peek and gain more knowledge ^^

  9. Dining Philosophers Problem (DPP)
    The solution :)

  10. Peterson’s Solution
    Used to synchronize two processes.