Top 10 List of Week 08

  1. Big-O Notation
    Also called Landau’s symbol.

  2. Preemptive - Nonpreemptive Scheduling
    In preemptive scheduling, the process can be interrupted, even before the completion. But in nonpreemptive, the process is not interrupted until its life cycle is complete.

  3. TinBa Banking Trojan
    Depending on the targeted bank, victims are presented with fake messages and Web forms asking for personal information, login credentials or requests to perform a funds transfer.

  4. Suricata
    Great in deep packet inspection and pattern matching which makes it incredibly useful for threat and attack detection.

  5. Tutorial: Snort
    Snort is used for monitoring the operations and activities of routers, firewalls, and servers. Tutorials for Ubuntu only.

  6. Random Forest
    One of the machine learning’s algorithm. Tutorials in Python only.

  7. Laravel
    Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Feel free to surf!

  8. Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
    Monitoring system that detects suspicious activities and generates alerts when they are detected

  9. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
    Like firewall and they sit in-line between two networks and control the traffic going through them.

  10. Dispatcher - Scheduler
    When the scheduler completes its job of selecting a process, it is the dispatcher which takes that process to the desired state/queue.